Page 5, the TALADA family of Athens, Pennsylvania. ![]()
This page is about my Maternal
Grandmothers's ancestors and relatives, starting with
my mother's mother,
The Talada's, like the
Lawrence's, have also been residents of "The Valley"
for a very long time. Considering Athens township was
founded in 1797, and Waverly and Sayre didnt yet exist
in 1810, this would make the Talada's one of the
oldest familys to have continously lived in The
Valley! 1810 to 2010, and still counting. My Talada line represents, by
far, the largest existing extended family of any of my
four grandparents. This page, like all my family
tree web pages, will not contain information, names or
dates, for any of my *living* relatives..only our
ancestors. My TALLADAY line can
(probably-possibly) be traced back to Holland in the
mid 1700's, when my (448) Great Grandfather x 6 was
born, Soloman
TALLADAY , (the first of three or four
different Solomon Talladay's) It's also possible our TALADA
line is originally English, not Dutch. I found a
reference to an old STOLLADAY
family of England, who might possibly be the ancestors
of the Tolladays, and maybe our Talladay's and
Talada's.. Originally I had all the TALADA
research listed on this page as well..but it got so
big that I moved it all over to my Click
here for the UPDATES and RESEARCH PAGE - Lots of
ongoing Talada research. My direct ancestor surnames on this page, these are ancestors of the Talada's: COUCH (maybe) BARRETT BARROWS KNIGHT LAMSON LORTON MILLER MOREY NORTHRUP RICE SLACK SPARKS TALADA TALLADAY THOMAS WOLDERSON Surnames that are relatives (mostly cousins) of mine, but are not my direct ancestors.. These are the surnames of my many relatives on the Talada line, going back many generations.. and other relatives, aunts, uncles, cousins, my neice.. all descended from the Talada's. BROWN CANAVAN COLE CONDICT COX CROSSETT DONOVAN FERGUSON FLANAGAN HAKES HEFFRON KINSMAN KOHAN KREMER LAWRENCE LELJEDAL LOWELL LUCAS MILLER MOORE NORTHRUP OLSEN PARKS ROBINSON SHERBO SWARTWOOD TALADA TALIDAY TALLIDAY WOODRUFF VER STRAETE |
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Ancestors of the TALADA's and TALLADAY's of Athens, PA Sources for all this
information will be listed on the Family Group
which I will upload here once I have them all written out. coming soon! meanwhile you can see ALL my sources here. I will have individual sources to go with individual facts soon..on all the Family Group Sheets. People in GREEN are my direct ancestors.. People in Black are not direct ancestors of mine, most are relatives however.. great aunts, great uncles, many cousins, and a few non-relatives who fit into the story. The first TALLADAY in
Athens, is my (448) Great X6 Grandfather:
Solomon TALLADAY born 1758, possibly in Holland, or in Connecticut, or in NY state. (records conflict) died 14 Feb 1839, Athens PA Parents are currently unknown. He was a Revolutionary war soldier, and came to the area (Athens) with General Sullivan's campaign in 1779. buried at Old Riverside Cemetery, Athens, PA. (see cemetery page) His wife - Chloe COUCH Some information about the first Solomon TALLADAY: "Solomon Talladay, a native of Connecticut, served in the Revolutionary war as a private 9 months, active service, in the 5th regiment of New York state troops, commanded by Col. Lewis Dubois under Captain Rosencrans. He was in General Sullivan's campaign against the Indians, 1779, and received a wound in one of his legs. After the war he appears to have lived at different places, finally moving from near Canandaigua, N.Y. in the 1820's to Athens, where he continued to reside until his death, Feb. 14, 1839, aged 81 years. He was buried with military honors, "a salute of musketry being fired over his grave" in the Village cemetery at Athens. Mr. Talladay married Chloe Couch, their children being, Cynthia, who married and removed West; Arletta Lucretia married Samuel Northrup and resided in Athens; Polly married Joseph Barber of Corning, N.Y.; John lived in Corning. He was a soldier in the Civil War and is the only case we have of a father being in the war of '76 and son in war of 1861 to '65." The above is from [115] "Pioneer & Patriot Families of Bradford County PA 1800-1825, Vol. II - by Clement F. Heverly" published in 1913, and posted on the "Tri-Counties Genealogy & History" webpage, by Joyce M. Tice. And below is the obituary of Solomon's daughter, Arietta Lucretia, printed after her death in 1908, which also gives some details on her father, Solomon: "TALLADA - NORTHROP - DEATH A REAL DAUGHTER OF THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION WHO DIED AT ATHENS, PA Athens, Pa., Oct. 24-The venerable Arietta Lucretia Northrop, a real daughter of the revolution, died at her home on Public street Tuesday forenoon from the infirmities of old age. Her father, Solomon Tallada, was a native of Holland, and who imbibed a spirit of liberty by a life of trial amongst his countrymen and finally sought an asylum in the primeval wilds of America. He emigrated to our shores at the time when the flame of independence burst forth, and enlisted in the patriot army. He was with General Sullivan in his campaign against the Indians of the Six Nations and fought in the battle of Newtown. After the war he settled near the old battle ground at Newtown (now Elmira), where he was married to Miss Cloe Couch. Twin daughters were born to them, which were named Arletta and Lucretia. While quite young they strayed away from home and were found dead in the chemung river, locked in each other's arms. The family soon removed to Tioga Point (Athens) and Mr. Tallada purchased a farm now known as the "Tyler farm" and he went to work to make a home for himself and family. Here the subject of this notice was born in the year 1810, and she was named Arletta Lucretian, to perpetuate the memory of the twin daughters that had been drowned. Mr. Tallada became discouraged and sold the farm at seventy-five cents per acre to McDuffie, and the family were separated. Arletta was bound out at the age of fourteen years into the family of General Henry Welles, where she remained until she arrived at the age that gave her a release from service. She was married to Samuel Northrop, of Danby, N.Y., March 3, 1841, and Mr. Northrop died in Athens, December 22, 1891, since which time she has lived alone. They never had any children, but they have made a home for many poor boys and girls that they have brought up and given a start in the world. "Aunt Lettie" has always been a true friend to the poor and distressed, and there are many who remember and cherish her kind acts. The family were all intensely patriotic. A brother served in the civil war with great bravery. There was a comrade of Solomon Tallada named Archie Temple that served in the revolution with him and came to Athens to reside after the war. The two comrades made a pledge with each other that when either died the survivor would go to the cemetery every Fourth of July and fire a volley over his grave, a vow that was sacredly kept. "Aunt Lettie" joined Tioga chapter, Daughters of the American Revolution, October 4, 1899, and that organization has had a care over her since that time. Her funeral took place from the M. E. Church Thursday at 10 o'clock, and was in charge of Tioga chapter. She was buried in Tioga Point cemetery and three G. A. R. Comrades acted as bearers. There are many memories awakened by the contemplation of "Aunt Lettie's" life that would be profitable to all who have an interest in the teachings of sacrifice and heroic actions. "Aunt Lettie" said she could remember when there was only twenty-one dwellings in all of the region, and when the Indians outnumbered the white settlers. How many hours of anxiety, how many days of privation were encountered by those who were willing to suffer and heroic to defend the cause of civilization? Surely "Aunt Lettie" was an obscure member of society, but she could teach a valued lesson of fidelity and courage to many who repose in chairs of luxury." From [107], The obituary of Arietta Lucretia TALLADAY NORTHRUP, (1810 - 1908) daughter of Solomon TALLADAY. (1758-1839) also posted on the "Tri-Counties Genealogy & History" webpage, by Joyce M. Tice. (thank you Joyce! your webpage is a treasure!) Notice the two sources conflict in some details, (and both are 100 years old, which means we cant attribute the differences to modern internet errors!) One says Solomon was "a native of Connecticut" and the other says he was "a native of Holland" One says he came to Athens in the 1820's..the other says he was already in Athens by 1810, when his daughter Arietta Lucretia was born. Both agree that Solomon's son (John) served in the civil war, and both also agree that John was Arietta Lucretia's brother, which confirms she was Solomon's daughter. (I thought she might be Solomon's grand daughter..but those two sources say she is his daughter.) I would guess (merely a guess you understand) that Solomon was probably actually from Holland, as stated in his daughter's obituary. And perhaps he first settled in Connecticut after arriving from Holland, then joined the American Revolution as a person "from Connecticut"..which could account for the conflict. "from Holland" and "from Connecticut" could both be correct, if that is the case. Hopefully more data will someday come to light that can prove his correct birthplace. After this first Solomon, we continue on with his son, grandson, and other descendants, who are all also my ancestors: Solomon TALLADAY II born 6 Jan 1778, Green Co. NY died 10 May 1866. Son of Solomon TALLADAY I and (probably Solomon I's first wife, not Chole COUCH, see below) His wife - Susan THOMAS (1787-1892) William TALADA born 1806, Towanda, PA died - Son of Solomon TALLADAY II and Susan THOMAS His wife: Polly NORTHRUP (b. 1807) (I believe William was possibly the person who changed the spelling from TALLADAY to TALADA, (see the section at the bottom of this page for details) while the spelling change itself is now well confirmed, it still remains a mystery as to WHY William made the change!) Augustus Solomon TALADA Born 1 May, 1832, Mehoopany, PA Died 12 Oct 1898 Son of William TALADA and Polly NORTHRUP. His wife - Clarinda MOREY
Josephine Marie TALADA (my
b. 19 Feb 1911 d. 13 Feb 1967 Married Edwin KREMER (Edwin "Polly" KREMER and Josephine are my mothers parents, my Grandparents ) Both are buried at Tioga Point Cemetery, Athens, PA then my Mother, Carol KREMER was born to Josephine TALADA and Edwin KREMER, and that concludes the TALLADAY - TALADA line straight down to me. and apart from me, the line continues to grow and multiply! a very robust family are those TALADA's.. |
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Group Sheets.
The following list of Family Group sheets documents all my TALLADAY - TALADA ancestors, NINE generations, from my oldest known TALLADAY ancestor (Solomon TALLADAY the 1st) straight down to me. Also all the source information will be listed with the Family Group sheets, as is the genealogy custom.. Family Group sheets will begin soon.. Its one of the most important aspects of organizing everyone.. im working on it! ![]() See my Kremer page for the format I plan to use here. |
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spelling mystery"
Much sleuthing in progress.. There is an
interesting story (several stories
probably!) about two different spellings
in my immediate family tree, TALADA and
TALLADAY. I know my more recent TALADA
ancestors are descended from earlier
TALLADAY's, but exactly why the spelling
was changed, and by who, when, and
where, is not fully clear..
but here is what I do know: The original spelling is TALLADAY..this is not in question. This goes back to the patriarch of my TALLADAY line in Athens, PA, Solomon Talladay, (1758-1839) who was the first of the line to settle in Athens, and is buried in Old Riverside Cemetery in Athens. His gravestone is clearly marked TALLADAY. At some point, one of his descendants chose to change the spelling from TALLADAY to TALADA. Exactly who this was, and why they did it, im not yet fully certain. But one of my sources [106] indicates it might have been Augustus Solomon TALLADAY born in 1832 (The Great Grandson of the original Solomon) who might have been the first to use TALADA. If this is correct, it checks out with the spelling on the gravestones of my ancestors in Tioga Point Cemetery in Athens..Augustus Solomon TALADA (1832-1898) his wife (Clarinda MOREY), their children and descendants all switched to TALADA..the rest remained TALLADAY. (Update - I now suspect it was actually Augustus Solomon Talada's father, William, who was likely the person who changed the spelling..further musings on that are below) This would make my: Great Great Great Grandfather (56) Augustus Solomon TALADA (1832-1898) his son, my Great Great Grandfather (28) Augustus TALADA (1857-1950) his son, my Great Grandfather (14) Lewis TALADA (1884-1946) and his daughter, my Grandmother (7) Josephene TALADA KREMER (1911-1967) all using the spelling TALADA. So that is (probably) where the spelling TALADA got into the mix.. Then something interesting happened..Lewis TALADA married Minnie TALLADAY. (these are my Great Grandparents..and the ancestors of all my TALADA/TALLADAY cousins in Athens/Sayre today) Minnie and Lewis were second cousins..they had a set of Great Grandparents in common. (This is not really "shocking" in any way..this was common in the 17th, 18th, 19th centurys, and 2nd cousins are not as closly related as you might think..With only one set of Great Grandparents in common, they have 14 completely different Great Grandparents, (only 2 are the same) then all eight of their Grandparents are different and unrelated..meaning Lewis & Minnie's children have only two out of 30 ancestors that were "the same".. thats only 6% of their ancestry..quite diluted really..and of course today, after several more generations, the percentage is so miniscule as to be utterly meaningless..) So Minnie's line was always TALLADAY, it never changed. (update, this is now known to be wrong! see below) The children of Lewis & Minnie were given the name TALADA at birth, from their fathers side, which was the side that (probably) changed to TALADA with Lewis' Great Grandfather, William TALADA. Then! one of the eleven children of Lewis and Minnie TALADA, decided to change the spelling back! This was my Grand Uncle Jerry, youngest brother of my Grandmother Josephine. Gerald "Jerry" TALLADAY, a son of Lewis & Minnie. Jerry TALLADAY b. July 21, 1934 d. April 27, 1994 Jerry married Shirley Nichols. Jerry awas given the name TALADA at birth (along with all the other children of Lewis & Minnie) but at some point Jerry purposly changed his own surname to TALLADAY, (with two L's) Today I have a set of cousins, the children of Jerry & Shirley, who are now using the spelling TALLADAY, while all the other descendants of Lewis & Minnie continue to use TALADA. (update..also wrong! ;) keep reading! ;) The source for Jerry changing the spelling back is my Mothers personal knowledge [3], and the headstones in Tioga Point Cemetery also support this conclusion..Jerry & Shirley's stone says "TALLADAY" (except for the stone of Lewis & Minne themselves, which does actually say TALLADAY! which surprises me, because you would expect it should say TALADA...I theorize that Minnie was a strong proponant of the original TALLADAY spelling, since that was her own name, and perhaps that had an influence on one of her sons changing his spelling..Also, Minnie died after Lewis, so it seems she got the final say on the headstone! and she chose Talliday..) My Mom always heard that Jerry changed the spelling from TALADA back to TALLADAY because he felt TALLADAY was the "correct" spelling, and it should be spelled that way based on the heritage of his TALLADAY line.. which makes sense to me, and is something I can understand and respect. We know that Jerry changed the spelling back..what remains a mystery is why William TALADA (b. 1806) changed the spelling to TALADA in the first place! (if he is in fact the person who did it.) why would he do that? what was the reason? it remains a mystery for now.. Update -
April 2010.
When I began this genealogy project in January 2009, I knew there were two different spellings in the family tree, TALLADAY and TALADA. I knew my Grandmother, (my Mother's Mother), Josephine TALADA, used the spelling TALADA. I knew her father, my Great Grandfather Lewis TALADA, also used the spelling TALADA...then jumping up several generations, to the very top of the list, I found the gravestone of Solomon TALLADAY (the 1st) in Athens, clearly marked TALLADAY. Somewhere in the several generations between Solomon the 1st and his Great Great Great Grandson Lewis, someone changed the spelling from TALLADAY to TALADA..but who, when, and why?? I believe I now know who, and I know approximately when..the "why" is still a mystery. First off, here is the list of all my direct TALLADAY - TALADA ancestors. (other siblings of my ancestors can be found in the family group sheets above..there are many TALADA's and TALLADAYS living today who are descended from the brothers and sisters of my direct ancestors..for example, I know there are living TALADA's today in South Waverly, PA who are descended from Casper TALADA I and Casper TALADA II..(or Sr. and Jr. if you prefer) Casper #1 was not a direct ancestor of mine, he was my Great Great Great Grand Uncle..the brother of my Great Great Great Grandfather, Augustus Solomon TALADA...Living descendants of Casper would be my 5th cousins, you have to go up to William TALADA and Polly NORTHRUP to reach our common ancestors.) (see the cemetery page for photos of Casper the 1st's headstone) ![]() I am in the 9th
generation of TALADA's, starting with
Solomon the 1st as generation One. So I am the 9th
generation, there are now also quite a few
10th generation Talada descendants running
around! born in the early 21st century..My
sister Kelly's daughter, and my cousins
Jennifer and Beth's children, are all 10th
generation Talada descendants..plus cousin
Nathan's son, and the many Grandchildren of
my Uncle Ronnie and Aunt Donna..and there
are many more...(there might even be some
11th generation children by now!) Many of us do
not carry on the surname TALADA..because we
are descendants of the many daughters
of Lewis and Minnie, therefore we all have
different surnames..(my immediate Talada
line seems to be remarkably maternally
focused, the decendants of daughters
and daughters and daughters of the TALADA's..interesting..although
and TALLADAY's, descended from Lewis &
Minnie, continuing on the family name.) Details for the
Nine generations are listed above, in the
section for the Family Group Sheets..so I
wont repeat everything here..instead I will
talk about the reasons why I believe it was
William TALADA (Generation 3) my I have many
pieces of evidence and sources to back up
this conclusion..starting with the most
current, 1. I know my
Grandmother Josephine and her siblings, the
eleven children of Lewis & Minnie
(generation 7) all used 2. Going up one
generation, (Gen 6) I know for a fact that
not only Lewis used the spelling TALADA, but
so 3. This
suggests their father, Augustus Arlington
TALADA, must have used that spelling as 4. Augustus
Arlington TALADA's parents, Auguston Solomon
TALADA and Clarinda MOREY, are buried in
Union (For large
photos, dont forget to click on the "expand"
icon: 5. I now
believe that it was William TALADA, born in
1806, Husband of Polly NORTHRUP, who was the
person who
William's children, Augustus Solomon TALADA,
(my ancestor) 6. We have pension records for another of William's children:
Abbie used the spelling TALADA.
All three sources show Abbie using the
spelling TALADA. 7. We also have
a third! So thats THREE
children of William TALADA and Polly
NORTHRUP, all confirmed using the spelling
TALADA. I do admit
however it does not absolutely
prove it! I plan to go
and search for William and Polly's
gravestones in Towanda.. stay tuned for
that! :)
man oh
man..just when I thought I was getting a
handle on the whole TALLADAY-TALADA spelling
mystery, While googling
about for Talada information, I came across
the obituary of my Grand Uncle, Lewis Jr. Based on what I
wrote above, Ten of the Eleven children of
Lewis & Minnie should be using the
spelling TALADA. So we would
suspect that Lewis Jr. should also be a
TALADA right? Here is the link to
Junior's obituary: Obituary
[277] It would appear that
Junior, and his children (my 2nd cousins) are
all using the spelling TALADAY! So now it
appears we have three different spellings
in the immediate family tree.. Jerry switched
from Talada to Talladay, (with two L's) I assume Jerry
and Junior were probably young adults when
they decided to change their last name's
spelling. (There is certaintly
nothing wrong with it! anyone has the right to
spell their name however they wish! So now I have
yet another spelling mystery to investigate!
A new theory on
the spelling change from TALLADAY to TALADA
has emerged! If William was
in fact the one who first made the change
from TALLADAY to TALADA, as I suspect he
was, it would have been sometime in the
1820's or 1830's timeframe when he made that
change.. I wrote to Mary
Jo Gigliotti, who is another cousin of ours
on the Talada line..Mary Jo has been
researching her Talada roots for some time,
and she shared an interesting anecdote with
me: "I've met
Talada's from Bradford County who told me
their mother told them that they were NOT
related to the Taladays who also lived in
the county, but I have found the genealogy
records that prove that they are. I
heard that there was a family feud and
some members of the family just changed
the spelling. It also didn't help
that most of them up to the 20th century
couldn't write their name and signed with
an x. That leaves the census takers
free rein on spelling it any way they
please. I haven't found definitely where
the family came from. The only place
that I have seen Holland is in Arletta's
obit. I had been leaning towards
England/Wales but have never found any
proof." thanks Mary Jo! So perhaps a
family feud in the early 1800's is
responsible for the spelling change? could
be! And the
"legend" then got passed down to succeding
generations, that "We TALADA's are not
related to "those" TALLADAYS!" ;) im sure
some people actually believed it was
true..and perhaps still do to this day!
almost 200 years later..but I strongly
suspect that ALL Talada's, Taladay's,
Talladay's, etc, descended from Bradford
County, PA TALLADAY stock, are in fact all
related! regardless of spelling
differences.. This "family
feud" theory makes much sense..and is quite
plausable.. also the
"census taker" theory also has
possibilities..(more on that below) Update - June
7, 2010. I wrote to my
three cousins, the children of Jerry
TALLADAY, asking if they had any ideas about
why their father changed his spelling from
TALADA back to the original TALLADAY..they
arent sure, but will try to check into it.. So that gives us three possible theories for the original spelling change from TALLADAY to TALADA, probably by our ancestor William in the 1820's or 1830's: 1. The "family feud" theory..one branch of the Talliday's got angry with the rest of the family, for reasons currently unknown, and changed the name to disassociate themselves from the rest..then a legend began, and was passed down through the generations, that "The Talada's (of Bradford county) are not related to the Talladay's (also of Bradford county!) but it seems highly likely that they are all related in reality. 2. The "census taker" theory..perhaps the late 18th and early 19th Century Tallidays were not all literate, and some couldn't even spell their own names..when census takers came along, they would simply write down what sounded "close enough" to them..then, perhaps later some of these familys adopted whatever spelling the census takers gave them, because they didnt really know what was supposed to be "correct" anyway! and this resulted in possibly many different spelling variations.. To me, this is quite plausible! its hard for us to imagine today that anyone wouldn't know how to spell their own last name! but times were different then..we could be descended from some simple, uneducated folk..who might not have had access to the kinds of education systems we all enjoy today. In modern American society, illiteracy is virtually unheard of, but in the 1770's through 1840's, when these spelling variation might have been "created", it was probably much more common..this could account for some of the many different spelling variations! 3. The "Too
many Talliday's" theory. Perhaps there were
SO many Talliday familys all clustered in
one small area (probably Bradford county,
around Towanda) that one family (William?)
chose to deliberately change the spelling to
TALADA simply to give his family some
distinction from the others. perhaps mail
always got confused and mis-delivered, so a
spelling change was a practical way to deal
with the "Too many Talliday's"
problem...maybe! Update - April
6, 2011. A big surprise,
it's Lodeska TALADA! not Lodeska TALLADAY! I did a
cemetery tour of Tioga Point Cemetery,
Athens, PA with my Mom, Aunt, and several
cousins, This tour
discovered the headstone of my (31) Great
Great Grandmother Lodeska HEEMAN TALADA, This must mean
that Minnie was born a TALADA afterall! and
not a TALLADAY.. And this tour
led to yet *another* unexpected twist in the
great spelling saga! and another previously
unknown spelling variation!..concerning the children of Lewis & Minnie: At first, I
only knew of one son who changed the
spelling of his last name, Jerry, (the
youngest of Lewis & Minnie's eleven
children), who changed his spelling from
discovered, thanks to an on-line obituary,
[277] that another son, Lewis Junior, also
changed his spelling! Then! The Tioga
Point Cemetery tour of July 2010 discovered
that a THIRD brother also changed his
spelling! These are the
three youngest brothers in the family (apart
from Gilbert, who died as an infant, at the
age of only four months, and so never had
the opportunity to contemplate the spelling
of his name) and it seems likely the fact
that they were the three youngest was
probably a factor in them being the *only*
three who changed their spelling: Leo TALADA (changed his
name to) Leo TALADAY Here are all of
Lewis & Minnie's children again, (rather
than make you scroll back up! ;)
It is known
that all the daughters of Lewis & Minnie
remained TALADA's their whole lives, until
their last names changed when they got
married. None of the daughters, as far as I
know, ever considered changing their names. I believe that
Glenn, being the first-born child, also
remained a TALADA his whole life. (I need to
find Glenn's headstone to confirm..if anyone
knows where Glenn is buried, please let me
know! Some email correspondance with my
cousins says Glenn is likely buried in or
near Troy, PA.) Glenn has one
son, Gary TALADA, who still lives in Sayre,
and since Gary's last name is TALADA, that
confirms that the oldest sibling Glenn didnt
change his spelling. So..it is
assumed the three youngest sons, Leo, Junior
and Jerry, likely changed their spelling as
young adults, probably before they had
children, and so passed on that spelling to
their children, grandchildren, and
descendants living today. They probably made
the spelling change sometime in the 1940's
or 1950's, when they were about in their
20's in age, more or less.. their oldest
sibling, Glenn, being a full 25 years older
than his youngest brother Jerry, apparently
wasnt interested in the "spelling change
fervour" of his three younger brothers, and
kept his spelling TALADA. We know WHO
changed the spelling of their name..and
approximately when..what remains completely
Here are all
the known TALADA-TALLADAY spelling
changers: Originally the
spelling was TALLADAY, this is clear, going
back to Solomon TALLADAY the 1st, our oldest 1. William
TALLADAY changed his name to William TALADA,
the origin of our TALADA spelling in the
family So after this,
we have all the original TALLADAY's, who
never changed their spelling, plus one new
branch of TALADA's (from which I, and all my
Talada-Talladay cousins today, are
descended..We are the descendants of
William)Then nothing much changed for 100
years until: 2. Minnie
TALADA, daughter of James and Lodeska
TALADA, married Lewis TALADA, in the first
decade of the Exactly why,
and when, Minnie changed her name is
unknown..I have one theory, it's the only
thing I can think of that makes any
sense..but I want to stress it is only a
THEORY..based on nothing factual..(we
currently have nothing factual to go on,
to explain the reasons..we know the names
were changed, but we dont know why.)
Going back to when William first changed the spelling from TALLADAY to TALADA, around the 1820's, a legend developed among the (even then, very extended) Talada-Talladay clan that "We TALADA's are NOT related to "those" TALLADAYS" and "We TALLADAY's arent related to "those" TALADA's"..perhaps there was "bad blood"..family feuds..who knows! but the legend was born in the early 1800's in Bradford County PA, and soon enough it was believed to be a fact..it probably is not a fact! but many people believed that it was.. So perhaps, several generations later, when Minnie TALADA wished to marry her second cousin Lewis TALADA (which as I explained above, isn't really that big a deal biologically, or even morally) but still..it would likely be considered a "scandal" that they had the same last name! a little bit *too* obvious that they were perhaps *too* closely related..(plenty of second cousins *dont* have the same last name, which would make things easier for them..but in this case they did have the same name) So perhaps they knew well the family myth that "Those Taladas and them Talladays arent related", and in order to "save face" and avoid scandal, community gossip and wagging tongues, Minnie decided to simply change her spelling, which instantly removed all traces of perceived impropriety..because afterall, everyone knows the Talada's and the Talladay's arent related! problem solved.. So thats the best theory I can come up with, to explain how Minne, born a TALADA, became a TALLADAY. its just a guess! but its the best I have for now..If anyone has any other ideas, please let me know! Historically of course, Minnie WAS descended from TALLADAY's! (as we all are)..which might have been a factor in her three youngest sons *also* changing their own names! All the children of Lewis & Minnie were born TALADA's, Jerry's birth certificate proves this, plus all the daughters were known to be Taladas, so this isnt in question. Lewis was always a TALADA, Minnie changed her name to TALLADAY, and all their children were given the name TALADA at birth. But then, probably about the 1950's, the three youngest brothers also changed their name! as discussed above: 3. Leo TALADA (changed his name to) Leo TALADAY 4. Lewis "Junior" TALADA (changed his name to) Lewis "Junior" TALADAY 5. Gerald "Jerry" TALADA (changed his name to) Gerald "Jerry" TALLADAY So thats 5 people in our extended family tree (who we know of for sure) that changed their spelling. William was the first, from TALLADAY to TALADA, then Minnie, from TALADA back to TALLADAY! and then three of Lewis & Minnie's sons. Why did Leo, Junior and Jerry change the spelling of their own names? We dont know..I have asked some of my cousins about it , Jerry's children, and also Aunt Shirley, (the only surviving child of Lewis & Minnie in 2011) and no one knows..Junior has a son, David, who I hope to contact. (I always say 'Aunt Shirley"..because that is what everyone calls her..but she is actually my Mothers aunt! Shirley is my Grand Aunt..sister of my Grandmother Josephine) Today I know I have cousins, living descandants of Leo, Junior, and Jerry, who are TALLADAY's and TALADAY's.. So there we are! The knot is hopefully mostly untangled..although we still have a lot of unknowns in this story! The biggest unknowns being WHY did everyone change their names?! Hopefully more research will continue, to tell more chapters of this story.. A new chart, showing everything discussed above: ![]() |
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I know full well that
the list of surnames, descended from Lewis
& Minnie, on that chart, is not complete!
There are sooooo many of us cousins, that I dont even know who all of you are! I have some cousins I have never heard of, and have never met.. (I have met a few since starting this webpage!) ![]() But if you are also a descendant of Lewis & Minnie (and if you want your last name on the chart ) please send me a note! Eventually I would like to compile a list of ALL the descendants of Lewis & Minnie..there could be a hundred of us by now..I wont post the complete names and info (birth dates and locations, etc) of living relatives on this webpage, but it would be great to have a complete list in the collection. (our descendants will someday be very grateful) and eventually I plan to create paper copies in "book" form to hand out to cousins, containing all this TALADA history..So if you have anything to add, please let me know! And thats were things stand as of April 2011. This TALADA-TALLADAY page is very much "in progress"! ![]() ![]() (can genealogy research ever really be complete? I doubt it! ) Much research remains..many things are still unclear..the recent generations I have well documented, but the generations further back still have questionable dates and data, exactly who begat who is still in question.. If you have anything you would like to share, please let me know! Many hundreds of TALADA-TALLADAY researchers in our vast family would greatly appreciate it! ![]() thanks, Scot
Email to: scotlawrence@gmail.com Scot LawrenceSayre PA, Waverly NY & Rochester NY, USA Last updated May 17, 2016 ![]()
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