When I
first started this webpage, I said
"I would like to keep this to 1960's
and 1970's machines only", and that
is still my main focus..1970's
machines include the 924000 and
932000 series, which began in the
70's..but these two series also ran
through all of the 1980's, all of
the 1990's, and into the middle of
the first decade of the 21st century!
Since I already have every model number
documented up until 2004 and 2005, why
not just "finish the job" and record the
models after 2005 as well? So why not..
This page
probably wont be quite as detailed as
the previous model pages, it will mainly
be a list of model numbers and specs,
and little more..but time marches ever
on, and snowblowers continue to evolve,
so why not keep track of the newer
models as well? so here you have it.
The 924000 series
was Ariens line of Full-size Sno-Thros
from 1974 to 2004.
The 932000 series
was Ariens line of Compact Sno-thros
from 1977 to 2005.
(the 932000 series ended in 2005, for
snowblowers, but two "snow brush"
models, in the 932000 series,
made a reapparence for the 2008 and 2009
model years:
932514 - Sno-Brush - not a
snowblower! its a brush..listed as a
year 2008 model.
932200 - Sno-Brush - not a
snowblower! its a brush..listed as a
year 2008 and 2009 model.
Everything from
1960 to 2005 is documented on the
previous pages.
Before 2004, Both
"consumer" full-size models, and Ariens
Pro models were part of the 924000
series. Pro models were designated with
DLE suffix, to differentiate them from
the consumer models.
Beginning in
2005, the new 926000 series was
introduced. This series replaced the
924000 series and again included both
the Full-size "consumer" models, and the
Pro models as well. The Pro models were
again designated with a DLE suffix for
the 2005, 2006 and 2007 model years.
In 2006 the
939000 series was introduced, a new
Compact series, representing the
smallest and simplest
"entry level" 2-stage models in the
Ariens catalog. Only five
"orange" models existed in this series,
and they only existed for four model
years, 2006, '07, '08 and '09. Models
939001, 939002, 939003, 939004, and
939300. The smallest black Sno-Tek
machines continue this series beginning
in 2010. These are all single-speed
machines, using the "wet sump gear
Starting with the
2006 model year, Compact models were
upgraded from 10" to 12" impellers.
Then, in 2008,
another change. The Compact and the
Full-Size models were given a new series
designation, (920000 and 921000 series)
and the 926000 series became the
Pro-only series.
(except for model 926027 from 2009,
which is a "Deluxe" model, not a Pro
The 2009 model
year (winter of 2008-2009) marked the
end of an era. This was the last model
year that Tecumseh engines were
regularly used on snowblowers! Tecumseh
pulled out of the small-engine market in
2008. Tecumseh had been the primary
engine supplier for Ariens snowblowers
from the start of production in 1960
until 2009, almost 50 years. In that
time, probably 99.9% of Ariens
snowblowers had Tecumseh engines on
them. (with a small amount of Briggs
& Stratton engines being used over
the years) Ariens + Tecumseh equaled
half a century of 100% American made
But Tecumseh
leaving the market in 2008 opened the
flood gates for the Chinese engines,
which before now had been making only a
small headway. Ariens first introduced
the Chinese built LCT engine with the
Sno-Tek line. (but many smaller Briggs
engines had also been made in China for
some years before this, since 2002.)
Ariens is not alone in using the new
Chinese engines..*all* manufacturers are
beginning to use them. It seems this is
the wave of the future. The quality of
the LCT engines used by Ariens is
believed to be very high, although other
Chinese built engines do not enjoy such
a reputation.
For the 2010
model year, a new series of Compact
Sno-thos was introduced, the new Ariens
Sno-Tek line. these are a new line of
entry-level machines, painted black,
(the first non-orange Ariens snowblowers
and are the first Ariens snowblowers
with the new LCT Chinese engine. The
black Sno-Tek machines were first
introduced in the Autumn of 2009, as
2010 models.
Also beginning
with the 2010 model year, No more
Tecumseh engines! (see above)
Also beginning
with the 2010 model year, a big change
in how engines are identified!
For the past 50 years we have had
engines identified by horsepower..3.5hp,
7hp, 10hp, etc..
This is now over..thanks to lawyers and
a frivolous lawsuit, engine
manufacturers no longer
specify horsepower for engines! now we
have engines rated in "cc" numbers only,
cubic centimeters.
For the 2011
model year, another new series of
Sno-Thros was introduced, the 916000
"AMP" Series, which is a new series of
Ariens Electric mowers and 2-stage Sno-Thros! Battery
powered. The first models are the 916002
riding mower, first introduced in the
summer of '09 as a 2009 model, and the
916003 Sno-thro, first introduced in the
summer of 2010 as a 2011 model.
2011 was the
first year that headlights appeared on
"compact" models, and they sported a
particular style of light that was only
seen on 2011 models, a "bolt on" style
LED light:

Only 2011 compact
machines (920000 series) and one deluxe
model, had that style of light. (above)
2011 (and earlier) Full size and Pro
machines had the oval in-dash light,
which was seen from (about) 2002 to

In 2012 those two light styles were
replaced, and all machines got a new
style light, discussed below.
Some big changes
for the 2012 model year! (machines
introduced in the Autumn of 2011)
Details below from "snowmann"
(Ariens) on the forums:
"All Pro units
w/120V electric start get the new
commercial grade Ariens/Briggs Polar
Force Pro 21.0 ft-lb engine (420cc
with secondary balance shaft); not
available on 12V key-start Pro
models for 2012.
Cast iron auger gear cases will be
standard on all Ariens models
(starting as low as $699 on the
Compact 22) and a covered by a 5
year limited consumer warranty.
These are precision investment cast
and powder coated.
All auger gear cases for 2012
(including Sno-Tek) will be using
Ariens� new patent pending Top
Loader auger gear box. This is a
similar concept as used on Rockwell
military axles and Ford�s
bulletproof Top Loader
transmissions; a much more rigid
casting than side-load or split
housings and nearly leak proof. No
gasketed casting surfaces
intersecting the oil sump, seal
bores, or power transfer shafts. Oil
fill ports are also at the top and
away from the sump. All parts except
the auger shaft (sealed with triple
lip oil seals) are loaded from the
top of the casting and encapsulated
by the easy-access inspection cover.
L3 synthetic gear oil is still
Controls and control panels have
been redesigned to a more
contemporary look with thicker,
stronger steel, polymer bearings on
all pivots, heavier cable springs,
etc (including Sno-Tek). All Ariens
models have also been upgraded to
use a new high intensity halogen
reflector headlamp with a blue
color-correction lens.
A 24� Deluxe has been added (921031)
at a low price point; sale price
should be around $899. Remote cap,
headlight, and Ariens/Briggs Polar
Force 249cc engine are standard. http://apache.ariens.com/manuals/04335900_ENG.pdf
Hand warmers were added to the
Deluxe 30.
Remote cap deflector has been added
to the 24� and 28� Sno-Teks (steel
chutes as well) and 24� Ariens"
Quote above (text
in green) was
posted by "Snowmann" (Ariens) May 13,
So 2012 models have
a new headlight style, new dash, and a new
style gear case!
all first seen on 2012 models. (which went
on sale in the Autumn of 2011)
Ariens *did* choose to use some of the
same model numbers across the 2011 and
2012 model years though!
which results in machines with the same
model numbers, but very different
features. (2011 vs. 2012 model years) I
don't know why Ariens chose to keep the
old model numbers, when new model numbers
would have made more sense, considering
the changes for 2012, but it is what it
2011 model year have serial numbers below
2012 model year have serial numbers above
New 2012 headlight style:

New 2012 "Top Loader" gearcase style:

New models for 2013! (Snowblowers that went on
sale in the Autumn of 2012)
The big news is the introduction of Ariens
Hydrostatic models! A first for Ariens.
Six new models in the
926000 (Pro) Series are Hydros.
is also a new model 921027, a second
Deluxe 28. (there are two different
Deluxe 28 models for 2013)
And the
Sno-Tek line has recieved a new graphics
package, which includes a new logo on
plate, and an orange stripe on the

Also new for the 2013 model year, Briggs
& Stratton (or Ariens, not sure which)
have begun labeling their last few
remaining American-Made Briggs &
Stratton engines with a "Made in the USA"

For 2013, the following three Ariens
926513 - 12V Pro 32 - 342cc "Ariens
Polar Force by B&S" engine. (2013)
921018 - Platinum 30 - 342cc "Ariens
Polar Force by B&S" (2013)
921013 - Deluxe
30 - 342cc "Ariens
Polar Force by B&S" (2013)
Have the American-made Briggs engines on
them, with the sticker.
Those are the only three Ariens models in
2013 with the US-made Briggs engines.
And it looks like they will probably be
the last, ever, with US-made engines on
Because the era of the "Made in the USA"
snowblower engine has come to an end at
last, as we knew it would.
*all* snowblower manufacturers will be
using nothing but Chinese engines after
2013, not just Ariens.
(except for perhaps Honda, who might still
make some of their engines in Japan. (and
who also makes engines in China) but there
will no US-made snowblower engines
anymore, at all.
For all the details on this engine news,
see this thread on the snowblower forum:
in the USA versus made in China.html
Ariens snowblower bodies, everything
except the engine, will continue to be
made in the USA, as they always have. The "made in the
USA" stickers on the engines of those
three models ended up being a "2013 model
year only" (and one 2014 model), feature.
for the 2014 model year:
that went on sale in the Autumn of 2013)
predicted a year ago, 2013 was in fact the
last regular year for American-made Briggs
engines on snowblowers. (and mowers, tractors,
and outdoor power equipment in general)
Beginning in the 2014 model year, all engines,
on all 2-stage snowblowers, by all
manufacturers, and now made in China.
New for
2014, Ariens begins listing engine size in
foot pounds for the first time.
numbers were last used in 2009, when all
manufacturers had to stop using HP numbers due
to a lawsuit. Then we had only cc (cubic
centimeter) ratings bring used in 2010, '11,
'12 and '13 model years, and now in 2014 we
have engines listed with both cc and ft/lb
Also new
for 2014, Ariens introduces a new single-stage
snowblower series, the "Path Pro" line. The
new models are 938030, 938031, 938032, 938033,
normally dont keep track of single-stage
models on this webpage)
Also new
for 2014, "Auto Turn" Steering technology is
introduced on certain models:
Auto Turn youtube video.
Also new
for 2014, a "Compact Track" model is
introduced for the first time, model 920022.
The first time a Track model has been seen in
the "compact" line.
Also see
*note 3 at the bottom of this page for details
on the very last Ariens snowblower with a
US-made engine, model 921036, from 2014.
for the 2015 model year:
that went on sale in the Autumn of 2014)
dropped the AMP 916000 series of Battery
powered electric snowblowers and riding
snowblower series was made four years, 2011,
2012, 2013 and 2014.
Models 920021, 921037, 921038, 921040 and 926517
are introduced.
Several already existing models got larger
Model 921037 is the Deluxe 28+ , the "plus"
designation is new for 2015.
It is identical to the Deluxe 28 in all ways
except for a larger engine:
2015 921030 - Deluxe 28
- 12.5FT-LB (254cc) Ariens AX engine.
2015 921037 - Deluxe 28+ - 14.5FT-LB
(291cc) Ariens AX engine.
Model 921038 is the Platinum 24 SHO. The "SHO"
designation is reintroduced in 2015, after 11
years, and it stands for "Super High Output".
The Platinum 24 SHO is identical to the Platinum
24 in all ways except for a larger engine, and a
faster impeller speed. Ariens webpage rates
the regular Platinum impeller rpm at 1010
while the SHO is rated at 1083 for the 24 and
30 models. There is no "standard"
Platinum 24 for 2015.
2014 (previous model year) 921028 - Platinum
24 -
14.5 ft/lb (291cc) Ariens AX291 engine.
2015 921038 - Platinum 24 SHO - 15 ft/lb
(306cc) Ariens AX engine.
(there were two previous 924000 series models
that used the SHO designation, model 924106 from
1997, and model 924323 from about 2004. see the
series page for more info.)
Model 921040 is the Platinum 30 SHO. It is
identical to the Platinum 30 in all ways except
for a larger engine, and a faster impeller
speed. Ariens webpage rates
the regular Platinum impeller rpm at 1010
while the SHO is rated at 1083 for the 24 and
30 models.
There is a "standard" Platinum 30 for 2015, as
well as the Platinum SHO:
2015 921029 - Platinum 30
- 17 ft/lb
(369cc) Ariens AX engine.
2015 921040 - Platinum 30 SHO - 20 ft/lb
(414cc) Ariens AX engine.
The FT/LB designations are *removed* from the
2015 Sno-Tek brochure, and engine size
is listed only in CC. Also the Sno-Tek models
have dropped the "E" designation, even though
they are still electric start.
for the 2016 model year:
that went on sale in the Autumn of 2015)
The 2015 Platinum 24 SHO, model 921038, had a
306cc engine.
The 2016 Platinum 24 SHO, model 921038, has a
369cc engine.
Model 921039 is introduced in 2016, the Platinum
SHO Track 28.
Model 921044 is introduced in 2016, the Deluxe
28 SHO. the first "Deluxe SHO"
Ariens only has one Sno-Tek model in the 2016
lineup, the model 920402, Sno-Tek 24.
Ariens dropped the 939000 series after 2015,
there are no 939000 series machines for 2016.
A design change was made for 2016, the color of
the control handles is now a 2-tone grey, while
in 2012, '13, '14 and '15, the handles were a
solid light grey. also, the handle shape has
been changed for 2016, and is more ergonomic:
for the 2017 model year:
that went on sale in the Autumn of 2016)
In the 2016
and 2017 model years there is only one
Sno-Tek model, 920402, the Sno-Tek 24.
Big news for the 2017 model year!
Ariens introduced EFI, Electronic Fuel
Injection, (in place of a traditional
carburetor) on two new models for the 2017
model year. Ariens is the first to introduce
EFI for snowblowers.
Ariens made the announcement with a live
stream on July 19, 2016:
The Ariens webpage about the new EFI models:
The two new EFI models are:
921049 -
Deluxe 30 EFI
921053 - Platinum 24 SHO EFI
Also new for 2017 is a design change for the
nameplate on the control panel, a change in
the design of the Ariens Logo area on the
handlebars of the machine, the previous style
2012, 2013, 2014, 2015 and 2016 Control panel
style, with the Orange Ariens logo:

The new
style, starting with the
2017 model year, replaces
the Orange
Ariens logo with a new gray panel,
the word "Ariens" spelled out in white

for the 2018 model year:
that went on sale in the Autumn of 2017)
For 2018 Ariens introduced a new drive
system! called "Rapidtrak" and available on
certain Professional series models. See this
video for details.
New models for 2018:
920025 -
Classic 24
920026 - Compact 20
920027 - Compact 24
920028 - Compact Track 24
926060 - Professional 28 Hydro Rapidtrak
926068 - Professional 28 Hydro EFI
926069 - Professional Rapidtrak 32
926070 - Professional 36 Hydro EFI
plus eleven other models that were also
available in 2017.
Also, on October 25, 2017, Ariens made an
announcement on their Facebook page about a
new entry-level model, which they are
calling the "Classic 24". This is model
920025, probably mostly the same as the
already existing "Compact" 920000 series,
but instead of "Compact" they named the one
"most entry level" machine in the 2018
lineup the "Classic", the first of what will
likely become a new "Classic" series. This
model did not appear in the 2018 brochure.
The new Classic 24 does not have a
- Classic 24 - 9.5 ft/lb (208cc) Ariens AX
here for the differences between the
2018 Classic 24 and the 2018 Compact 24.
Update on the Auto-Turn situation:
Ariens first introduced Auto-Turn for the
2014 model year. For the first three model
years there were issues with it's
performance, then Ariens moved the axle
position, which fixed the problem. From a
snowblowerforum.com thread:
Generally it wasnt very good on the
first-year models with Auto-Turn, which was
2014. People did have a lot of issues with
it, with the machine being skittish and
trying to turn when it shouldn't..it could
be improved with different skids..then
Ariens did move the axle to fix the problem.
Year 1 of Auto-Turn:
2014 model year, machines sold Autumn 2013
- original axle position.
Year 2 of Auto-Turn: 2015 model year,
machines sold Autumn 2014 - original axle
Year 3 of Auto-Turn: 2016 model year,
machines sold Autumn 2015 - original axle
Year 4 of Auto-Turn:
2017 model year, machines sold Autumn 2016
- new, corrected axle position.
Year 5 of Auto-Turn: 2018 model year,
machines sold Autumn 2017 - new, corrected
axle position.
2014 discussion:
2014 discussion:
2016 discussion:
for the 2019 model year:
that went on sale in the Autumn of 2018)
New models for 2019:
only one, model 921057 - Platinum SHO
Rapidtrak 28.
One model was dropped, 921052, Platinum
SHO Track 28, which was the last of the
older style "track" models. now all
tracked models are the new "Rapidtrak"
design, introduced a year ago with the
2018 model year.
other models were carried over
unchanged from 2018.
Again for 2019, there is only
one Sno-Tek model, 920402,
24. (this is now the 5th year in
a row that the 920402 Sno-Tek 24
has been the only model in the
Sno-Tek lineup.)
That appears to be the only
change for 2019! the "Platinum
SHO Track 28" was
replaced by the "Platinum
SHO Rapidtrak
28". All other
models carried
over from last
for the 2020
model year:
that went on
sale in the
Autumn of
Four new model numbers are introduced for
the 2020 model year:
926076 |
Professional 32 |
926077 |
Professional 28 |
926078 |
Pro 28
Hydro Rapidtrak |
926079 |
Pro 32
Hydro Rapidtrak |
The Pro 28, Pro 32 and Pro 32 Hydro
Rapidtrack already existed, but got new
model model numbers for 2020, the Pro 28
Hydro Rapidtrack is brand-new for 2020, and
has not existed previously.
Three models got a new engine for 2020:
921049 |
Deluxe 30 EFI |
921050 |
Platinum 24 SHO |
921053 |
Platinum 24 SHO
See the details on engine model designations in
the main list below. I don't know if they are
actually different or upgraded engines, or
simply changes to the engine descriptions or
16 models were carried over from 2019:
And three model numbers were discontinued, and
replaced by new model numbers:
(these three were 2019 models, but not 2020)
And again
for 2020, there is only one
Sno-Tek model, 920402, Sno-Tek
24. (this is now the 6th
year in a row that the
920402 Sno-Tek 24 has been
the only model in the
Sno-Tek lineup.)
This brings us up
to the
2020 model year of Ariens
2-stage Sno-thros:
920000 series
- The compact series, ("Orange" and
Sno-Tek) which began in 2008.
921000 series - The full size
series, which also began in 2008.
926000 series - Full size
consumer *and* pro series from
2005-2007, Then Pro models only,
starting in 2008.
Thanks to Ray O. and Jamie T. for sending me
brochures and info for the 2005 - 2010 model
Thanks guys! (if im missing anyone, I
apologize, and please let me know!)
I have decided to end this list with the 2020
model year. making a nice even 60 years of
Ariens snowblowers chronicled on this page,
1960 to 2020. thanks!