The Ariens 1960's and 1970's  
  Sno-Thro Info Site!

Page 3.
Owners Manuals and Decoding Serial Numbers.



Before we get to the Photo Archive, how about some Ariens manuals?

After I bought the machine, I joined a few on-line discussion groups to read up on things..
there are a few snowblower forums out there, and IMO the best one is this:

Lots of active discussions, and knowledgeable and friendly forum members!
If you want to "talk snowblowers" online, its a great forum to join!

I found some links to some manuals that Ariens provides free on their website, and after I figured out how to to search for manuals, I found a lot more! I downloaded and printed three manuals, relevant to my particular machine, and put them all in a 3-ring binder! nice to have..thanks Ariens!

6-page 1971 Sno-Thro Operating Instructions.

8-page Tractor operating instruction and part list.
This is the manual for the "tractor portion" of the machine, the engine and body, without the sno-thro attachment on the front. This "tractor body" was used with different front attachments, for the snowblower, or a garden tiller, or etc.
This manual has more detailed starting instructions that the 4-page Sno-Thro booklet.
I suspect the Sno-Thro originally came with an addition manual, probably the "Safety Booklet" mentioned, that perhaps gave more detailed instructions.
I dont have that booklet yet.

And third, the 48-page Ariens 10,000 series Parts and Repair manual!

Here is a list of all the manuals I have found so far, for the 1960's and 70's machines,

all hosted on the Ariens website as part of their "parts radar" area, and provided free
as a service to their customers..thanks Ariens!

"First series" Sno Thro manuals:
1960 Owners Manual - Form STPL-60 - I have scans in my collection, thanks to Ted H. email me for info.
1961 Dealer brochure - Form ST4-61 - This is the small reproduction brochure that comes with the die-cast
                                               model of the 1960 sno-thro..the front and back covers of this brochure are from 1961,
                                               the inside is from 1967!
1961 Owners Manual - Form ST-61 - 10M-L35 and 10M-L55
                                                I have a .pdf of this manual, email me if you would like a copy.       
                                                thanks to Tim P. for the manual!

1962 Owners Manual - Form st-62.pdf - 10M-L35 and 10M-L55
1962 Owners Manual - Form st-62-I-R.pdf - 10M-L35 and 10M-L60
1962 Dealer brochure, Form ST4-62, see page 11.

1963 Owners Manual - Form ST-63-R1.pdf
1963 dealer brochure - Form STC-63, see page 11.  

1964 Owners Manual - Form st4-64.pdf
1964 model 7-10M sno-thro attachment. (47001-68000)  - Form SSA-64.pdf
1964 26" Rotary Mower Attachment. Model 35-10M -  Form RMA-64.pdf

10,000 Series Tractor body manuals.   1966   1967   1968   1969

10,000 series Sno-Thro Owners manuals. 1964 model 7-10M sno-thro attachment. (47001-68000) 1965 model 7-10M sno-thro attachment. (68001-87600) 1966 model 7-10M sno-thro attachment. (87601-114900) 1967-1968 model 7-10M sno-thro attachment. (114901 and up)      1970 Owners manual      1971 Owners manual      1972 Owners manual   1973-1974 Owners manual

10,000 series parts and repair manual, for all 1964-1974 10,000 series machines.

10,000 series Attachment manuals. 1965 model 7-10M sno-thro attachment. (68001-87600) 1966 model 7-10M sno-thro attachment. (87601-114900) 1967-1968 model 7-10M sno-thro attachment. (114901 and up) 1964 26" Rotary Mower Attachment. Model 35-10M 1972 26" Rotary Mower Attachment. Model 910011    -  1964 Trac-Team parts manual, for Reel Mower, Rotary Mower
                                                                                                 and Vaccuum.
1972 Trac-Team parts manual, for Reel Mower, Rotary 
                                                                                                     Mower, Vaccuum, and Brush.


22,000 series manuals:
Owners manuals:   1972, 1973 & 1974  1976, 1977 & 1978
Parts manuals:
Parts and Repair manual: (for the entire 22,000 series, 1969-1978)


924000 series manuals:  - Owners Manual, probably 1979, but undated. - Owners Manual, probably 1980, but undated.   another 1980-ish manual, also undated.  - Owners Manual, model 924071 -ST1136 -1983-1987  - Owners Manual, 1985 - Owners Manual, 2002
- Owners Manual, 2004, the last 924000 manual.  Repair Manual, all 924000 models 1974 -1983. 1974-1979 parts manual. (all models '74-'79)  -1974 Parts Manual
  -1978 Parts Manual  -1980 Parts Manual
  -1983 Parts Manual
  -1984 Parts Manual
  -1988 Parts Manual
  -1989 Parts Manual
  -1992 Parts Manual
  -1993 Parts Manual


932000 series manuals:   - 1978 Owners manual. 1987 Owners manual 1987 Owners manual  - 2005 Owners manual - 1977 Parts manual. -  1978 Parts manual. - 1983 Parts manual. - 1984 Parts manual. - 1985 Parts manual. - 1986 Parts manual. - 1987 Parts manual. - 1988 Parts manual. - 1989 Parts manual. - 1990 Parts manual. - 1993 Parts manual. - 1987 932 series Repair manual.

Engine manuals:

Tecumseh Technicians Handbook - 3 to 11 HP 4-cycle L-Head engines.

Tecumseh H70-130067 Parts List.
Tecumseh H70-130067A Parts List.
(I discovered the only difference between the H70-130067 and the H70-130067A is the rewind starter.)

I also have three Lauson-Tecumseh engine manuals! from the early 1960's:

5-page Lauson parts list, with diagrams, for engines H45D, HB45D, H55D, HB55D
dated October 1960.

10 page parts diagram for engines H45D, HB45D,  HR45D, H55D, HB55D, HR55D.
"Issued September 1961, revised March 1962"

Lauson 1961 4 Cycle.pdf
8 page Lauson/Tecumseh engine owners manual: "Operating manual and maintenance instructions for Lauson four cycle horizontal crankshaft lightweight engines"
Manual number 181-25.
Has information on the unusual "Sure Start Starter" ratchet handle.

Thanks to Gary D. for sharing the H45D Lauson manuals!
And thanks to Tim P. and Ryan P. from for the 1961 manual.
much appreciated!
My photo hosts dont allow uploading of .pdf files, so I currently have no way to host these manuals
on-line..but if you want a copy , just send me an email and I will email the manual to you!  

Ariens Owners, Parts and Service Manual Lookup:

Here is a page where you can enter your model and serial number,
and bring up relevant manuals. (including manuals for much newer machines.) 

If you have a model number to look up, but not a specific serial number, I have found that entering serial number 001000 nearly always works well.




A brief history of Ariens Sno-Thro snowblowers.

The company began in 1933, making tillers for farming,
and the first Ariens Snow Blower was designed in 1959, and arrived on the market in 1960.
(50 year anniversary coming up in 2010!)

The Ariens website has a history page with more details here:

Below is an excerpt from the link above:

No Business Like Snow Business
Ariens Company has branched into many product development projects over the course of its history.
One of the most enduring and successful products has been the Ariens Sno-Thro�. 

Ariens Company entered the snow thrower market at the urging of an Ariens distributor in the Northeast who wanted a two-stage snow thrower for home snow removal. Product design began on December 15, 1959 and by March of 1960, a prototype was complete. Test models were demonstrated to distributors throughout the Snow Belt with widespread approval. It was July 1960 when the company started production and 1,865 units were produced in the introductory season. 

By the late 1970s, Ariens produced more than 100,000 Sno-Thro� machines each season. In November 2005, the company produced its milestone 2 millionth Sno-Thro� machine. 

-from the official Ariens webpage.


1960 - 1964 - First series of Ariens Sno-Thro's.

1964 - 1974 - 10,000 series.

1969 - 1978 - 22,000 series.

1974 - 2002 - 924000 and 932000 series.




Finding and decoding serial numbers.

Three different Model/Serial number tags exist on the 10,000 series machines.
plus a fourth set of numbers stamped into the frame.

1. The "tractor body" tag, containing the model and serial number of the tractor body,
and this will also be the model number of the sno-thro as a complete unit, if it was originally sold as a complete sno-thro. (as opposed to being sold as just the seperate tractor unit)
located at the left-rear of the machine, behind the left wheel.

On my 1971, the Tractor Body tag says:

Model No. 910692
Serial No. 0 (serial numbner zero, no other numbers after the zero)

What is up with "serial number zero?"
at first I didnt know..but I figured it out! (well..sort-of)
I wrote to Ariens, and they quickly replied with an answer..
there is also a model and serial number stamped into the machine:

2. Stamped into the metal of the tractor body, near the tractor tag, are a model and serial number. You can see the numbers stamped into the frame in the photo above.
This contains the model and serial number of my machine as a whole, which in my case is:

Model No. 910692
Serial No. 038860

Ariens did confirm that the number stamped into the frame, model and serial number,
is the model and serial number that should be used for the machine as a whole unit.
not the model and serial number on the sno-thro housing..that is the "attachment number" only.

So why isnt the serial number stamped into the frame also on the tag? why exactly does the tractor tag say "serial number zero? I dont know..and Ariens didnt really have an answer logical reason might be that perhaps Ariens, as part of the sno-thro production procedure, had a bunch of tractor bodies in line, waiting to be assembled into Sno-thro's, and they all wore the tractor tag with the model number, 910962, but with serial number zero on that tag, because the final serial number wouldnt be known until the complete sno-thro unit was finished..then, when its all assembled into a complete sno-thro, the unit recieved its final model and serial number, which is the number stamped into the frame..
makes sense! but thats just a guess!

3. The Tecumseh engine tag, this tag relates to the model and serial number of the engine only. located on the left rear corner of the engine. Here is my tag:

My Tecumseh engine number is H70-130067A, Serial No. 1270D

The serial number on Tecumseh engines (not the model number) can be used to identify
the year of manufacture. The first digit in the serial number indicates the year, and the last 3 digits are the day of the my engine serial number, 1270D, indicates the 270th day of 1971. you have to guess the decade! technically 1270 could mean, 1961, 1971, or 1981..
but its usually easy to figure out the decade, just based on the type of machine the engine is attached to, and the type of engine itself. So my engine is clearly from 1971, which matches the 1971 Ariens model number.

If the year of the engine matches the year of your sno-thro, you can be reasonably assured that the engine is original. But considering the age and long service life of these machines,
its not unusual to find a replaced engine.. if your engine year does not match the year of the sno-thro, then you probably have a replacement engine. Tecumseh model numbers matching Ariens model numbers can be found on many of the manuals linked above.

4. The Sno-Thro attachment number.
This is located on the Sno-Thro body, on the right side just behind the bucket.

My attachment numbers are:
Model No. 910995
Serial No. 061162

Those numbers apply to the attachment only, not the machine as a whole.
The "tractor bodies" could be used with several different attachments on the front, not just the sno-thro attachment..some tractor bodies became mowers, lawn vacuums, tillers, etc.
you could also buy the one tractor body and swap attachments..use the one tractor as a sno-thro in the winter, and a lawn mower in the summer.. in that case, might the tractor body tag contain both the model and serial number? rather than "serial number zero"?
if the tractor was sold as it's own individual unit? perhaps..

So! armed with your numbers, check out the manuals to decode the year your machine was built.

At first I had some difficulity determining the exact year of my machine. based on the various numbers, it could have been 1970, 1971 or 1972!

Page 47 of the 10,000 series manual says tractor body number 910962 was used in 1970, 1971 and 1972.

On page 2 of the same manual, it says my tractor body model number, 910962, and Sno-Thro attachment number, 910995, matches 1971-1972. (so that eliminates 1970 anyway.)

So that narrows it down to 1971 or 1972, based on the Tractor body and Sno-Thro numbers.
So which year is it then?
based on the 1971 and 1972 manuals, I am concluding my machine is a 1971..because my
machine's numbers show up on the 1971 manual, but model number 910962 is not listed in the 1972 manual.

I could be wrong though! but for now, all evidence points to 1971 as the most likely.


Continue to Page 4  -  First Series of Ariens Sno-Thros, 1960 - 1964

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This educational, non-profit site is not affiliated with the Ariens Company.
It is simply the "hobby webpage" of one satisfied 1971 Ariens Sno-Thro owner.

All logos, names and trademarks are property of their respective owners.
Official Ariens webpage is here:

Scot Lawrence
Page started January 2009
This page 3 last updated December 18, 2014

For information about Ariens parts, see here.

For other general snowblower questions, take a look here:
I am a member on that forum, and its a very friendly and helpful place!
The best place for snowblower discussion on the internet.
If you have questions, you can find the answers there..