Page 2.
Deconstructing the Forney.

January 25, 2008.

Lets take it apart and see how things look..

Homemade styrene stand..makes things much easier!



I really hate to cut wires! I try to cut as few as possible..electronics is not my strong-suit!
and im always afraid I wont be able to get it to work again! but I keep track of which wires
go where, I've done it before..shouldnt be a problem! I hope..

I also take these "deconstructing" photos for my own reference!
so I can remember what things look like when its time to put the loco back together! 
(I have quite a few more than what I have posted here)

Bachmann also has a nice big "exploded diagram" of the forney on-line,
you can find it here.

speaking of "exploded"..



Well..this is still going to be difficult, but much easier than Number 23!
(which I have put on hold for awhile..just becase I feel like working on No. 9 instead right now..
I want to finish a project before spring, and I think I can with No.9 but not with No.23)

Two major areas of concern..the frame and the drivers.
The frame is about 2mm too wide! urrrrr...
just needs a tiny bit shaved off each side.

(Dear Bachmann..in the future could you please please make the frames narrow enough for those
of us in On2? please? thank you..) 

Looks like enough can be removed from the frames without compromising the frame axel cut-outs.
the question is.. how?
the only model-making powertools I have are a dremel tool, a drill press, and a mini power saw.
Im not equipped for lathing or milling..

I think I will simply take a dremel grinding bit to it! 
its not elegant, but it should work..
and I can still use the axle notches..that will keep the axles aligned.
all I need to do to the frame is create enough clearance..and I dont need much.

The drivers will be the biggest problem..how to regauge them?
Here is a look at what needs to be done:

(im not sure about that gear placement yet..where the gear needs to be on the axle
when the regauging is complete..need to look into that.)

On30 track gauge is 16.5 mm
On2 track gauge is 12.7 mm.

thats a difference of 3.8 mm.

The smallest unit of measurement I deal with is half a millimeter! 
I dont divide things any smaller than that..
So to regauge from On30 to On2, wheels need to moved inward by 4mm.
thats the magic number.

There are two methods of regauging.

cut the axle and insert the ends into a new brass tube.
I did that sucessfully with the 29n2 scale forney.
But that loco is so much larger than these teeny tiny On30 locos!
(man..im glad im not doing HOn2!)
the wheelset without the gear wouldnt be a big deal..
but the wheelset with the gear would end up with only a 4mm bit of tubing..
thats really tiny. (im thinking of leaving the gear on its original axle, and only
cutting the axle to the "right" of the gear)
4mm is very small..it would have to be a really tight fit inside the new brass tube,
otherwise thats going to be a wobbly wheelset.

the other, much better option is to simply use new axles! new machined axles of the proper length.
the problem with that idea is I have no way to make such axels myself..I dont have a lathe,
and I dont know anyone locally who does.

A few guys on the On2 forum have talked about the possibiity of machining axles and selling them! 
Which would be great! 

I started to attempt "method A"..cutting the axels and using brass tubing.
but I couldnt  cut the axle!
my jewelers saw barely made a dent in the hard steel..this might not be the best way to go afterall.

So instead I emailed John Rogers, of Rogers Model Locomotive Works, who created the
first reported On2 forney conversion, and asked him if he would be willing to take on a Forney axle job..
He agreed! (thanks John!) so I popped them in the mail.

John says: "Rogers Model Locomotive Works will convert forney axels, do machining or a full conversion. 
I made the jigs for my own models and this is my way of sharing them.  I can also supply new bottom plates
made from PC board with new electrical pick ups."

I only had John do the axels this time, and not the frame.. the price is very reasonable IMO..
perhaps for future conversions I will have him do the whole thing! because now I still have to
grind down the frame myself! I will attempt that when the drivers come back.

While the axels are underway, I started work on the cab.

To Page 3, the new cab.

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Scot Lawrence. Rochester, NY
Page started January 25, 2008.